Influence of «M-Feed» additives in diets on blood indicators of broiler chicken CROSS-308


  • Kristina Valerievna Kiseleva National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev
  • Anna Aleksandrovna Kistina National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev



feed additive, broilers, blood parameters, hemoglobin, globulins, physiological norm


The article presents materials on the study of the effect of the new feed additive "M-Feed" in broiler chickens' diets on the blood composition. It was found that the use of the feed additive "M-Feed" in the composition of broiler chicken feed at the age of 0 to 30 days in the amount of 250 mg per 100 g of feed, and from 31 to 41 days in the amount of 100 mg / 100 g of compound feed, with the cellular method of growing, improves the blood composition and health of broilers.


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