Immunogenetic monitoring of lines the breed of Sychevka cattle


  • Mikhail Eliseevich Gontov Federal Research Center of Bast Fiber Crops
  • Dmitry Nikolaevich Koltsov Federal Research Center of Bast Fiber Crops
  • Valentina Ivanovna Dmitrieva Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops
  • Svetlana Alekseevna Rusanova Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops



breed of Sychevka, line, genetic marker, monitoring


The results of immunogenetic monitoring from 1986 to 2020 of the lines of Anis 4593 ZSV – 236 (n = 287), Liker 5412 ZSV-585 (n = 263), and Toreador 3032 ZS-485 (n = 627) of the breed of Sychevka cattle in the Smolensk region, using red blood cell antigenic factors EAB – locus of blood groups as genetic markers are presented. As a result of the line crosses carried out, as well as the introduction of genes of the Red-and-White Holstein breed, an expansion of genetic diversity is observed in each line. The coefficient of genetic similarity between the animals of the lines breed in 1986 and their descendants in the male line in 2020 is 52.8-61.9, which indicates a significant change in the genetic structure of each line. The number of animals carrying marker and, consequently, other alleles specific to the progenitors of the lines or their successors has decreased in the lines. Animals with other alleles inherited from the breeds of Sychevka and Holstein Red-and-White have become widespread. In the Anise line, its descendants are most common, marked with alleles of the EAB locus G2Y2'1Q` (27%), b (16,7%), O1I'Q` (9,1%); in the Liker line – B1I1T1A`1 (11,1%), E ' 3G`(10,1%), G2Y2E`1Q` (10,1%); in the Toreador line – O1I`Q` (19,5%), Y1A`1 (16%), G2Y2E`1Q` (11,3%).


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