Improving the methods of protecting Sudanese grass from major diseases in the arid zones of the Volga region


  • Ivan Dmitrievich Eskov Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Olga Lvovna Tenyaeva Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Aleksey Vasilievich Melnikov Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



Sudan grass, fungicidal protectants, agrochemicals, root rot, seed yield


The seed infection of the Sudanese grass consists of a complex of pathogens: alternariosis – 62%, fusariosis – 19%, helminthosporiosis – 14% of all damaged seeds. The use of the Vial Trust, VSK led to a decrease in laboratory germination of seeds (by 9.6%), and had a slight suppressive effect on the length of roots (by 11.2%) and seedlings (by 41.2%) compared to control. When used Viall TrusT and Micromax indicators were at the level of the control and the variant with Pioneer, KS. The use of the seed protectant Vial Trust did not have a negative impact on the growth and development of plants of Sudanese grass during the growing season. The use of Pioneer, KS and the combined use of Pioneer, KS + Micromac showed almost identical biological efficacy (85.0-86.7%). In the variant with Pioneer, KS + Micromak and vegetation treatment, the biological efficiency was 95%. The combined use of fungicides and stimulating agrochemicals increased yields by 62.7%.


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