Ecological features of the formation of fertility and productivity of biocenoses on chernozem soils of the Saratov region


  • Irina Igorevna Demakina Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region
  • Elena Vladimirovna Zavyalova Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region
  • Anastasiya Sergeevna Buzueva Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region
  • Boris Viktorovich Fisenko Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov



fallow, floristic composition, monitoring, geomorphology, climate change, productivity, zootechnical composition, chemical composition


An analysis of the species composition of vegetation on fallow plots of different duration and virgin lands made it possible to conclude that the fallow plots succession to the state of virgin lands with increasing age. Comparison of zootechnical parameters of hay from experimental agrocenoses made it possible to state that the average content of fat, ash and fiber for fallow variants is 17.0%, 9.8% and 7.7%, respectively, higher than in hay of the virgin variant. Analysis of the chemical composition of the hay of the experimental agrocenoses showed that the average concentrations of nitrogen, carbon, calcium and magnesium in the hay were lower than in the hay of the virgin agrocenosis by 11.4%, 2.6%, 44.0% and 51 .8% respectively. At the same time, a higher content of available phosphorus and potassium in the hay of fallow agrocenoses by 9.3% and 17.1%, respectively, was observed compared to virgin agrocenosis.


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