Modern aspects of pathogenetic therapy of newborn calves in neonatal gastroenteritis


  • Yulia Vasilievna Kalinkina LLC NIP «Veterinary Treatment and Rehabilitation Center of the Volga Region «Сito»
  • Andrey Aleksandrovich Fedorin Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Ivan Isaevich Kalyuzhniy Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Alexander Mefodievich Semivolos Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Sergey Аleksandrovich Semivolos Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov



neonatal gastroenteritis, complex therapy, therapeutic regimens, pharmaceutical forms, combined drugs, etiotropic agents


The article presents the results of experimental studies of the effectiveness of the use of combined drugs of domestic production in the complex therapy of acute gastrointestinal pathology in newborn calves of the colostrum period. The therapeutic efficacy of various drug regimens used in mild and severe forms of neonatal gastroenteritis was evaluated. Hematological and biochemical parameters are presented before treatment and during therapy of experimental and control groups of calves with neonatal gastroenteritis. The most effective scheme of complex treatment of newborn calves with neonatal gastroenteritis has been established.


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Диспепсия телят. Режим доступа: (дата обращения 12.02.10).

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Zootechnics and veterinary

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