The quality of root crops and sugar yield in the cultivation of modern hybrids of Sesvanderhave sugar beet in the fields in the Lipetsk region


  • Valentina Andreevna Gulidova Yelets state University named I.A. Bunin



sugar beet, hybrids, technological quality, molasses-forming substances, refined sugar, yield, standard sugar losses


This article presents a comparative characteristic of sugar beet hybrids of the Belgian company Sesvanderhave. The studied hybrids (Leopard, Original, Cheyenne, Crocodile) in the conditions of the Lipetsk region on leached heavy loamy chernozem showed high yield and good sugar content of root crops. They are technologically advanced in the cleaning and processing of raw materials. All Sesvanderhave hybrids have shown excellent technological qualities of root crops, providing a high yield of crystalline sugar. The content of non-sugary substances (K+, Na+, ?-amine nitrogen (?-NH2) in root crops was below the permissible norms, which positively affected the gross yield of refined sugar. Of the four sugar beet hybrids in the Lipetsk region, the Crocodile hybrid turned out to be the most productive, providing a sugar yield of 10.67 t/ha, the excess of the sweet product over other hybrids was: Leopard - by 0.94 t/ha, the Original - by 0.61, Cheyenne - by 0.58 t/ha. The Crocodile also formed root crops with a higher sugar content (17.70%), but at the same time, taking into account molasses-forming substances, it had maximum standard sugar losses (1.11%). The Leopard showed the lowest productivity of the purified sweet product - 9.73 t/ha, its root crops, taking into account standard sugar losses, were with the lowest sugar content (15.77%).


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