Methodology for the predictive assessment of the environmental safety of the use of ag-rochemicals by fertilizer seeding devices of combined potato planters


  • Andrey Borisovich Kalinin St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Igor Zinovevich Teplinsky Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Olga Nikolaevna Teplinskaya St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Ivan Sergeevich Nemtsev St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



chemicals, combined unit, technological system, environmental safety, operational quality control


In the complex of environmental agricultural practices during of potatoes production an important place is given to the intrasoil local method of fertilizing. Technological systems for the application of this method operate as part of potato planting combined units. The use of automated technological systems for the implementation of an intrasoil local method of applying fertilizers will allow real-time dosed placement of foci of agrochemicals in those layers of the soil horizon that available for root system of plant. This will significantly reduce losses and increase the utilization rate of fertilizers while ensuring an acceptable level of environmental safety of their use and improving the working conditions of a operator. Therefore, given the random nature of the operating conditions of potato planting units, the development of an automated device for active control of the depth of placement of fertilizer foci in given horizons of the root layer the algorithm of which uses methods of predictive assessment of the state of the object is a very urgent task.


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