Influence of the cutting blade shape on the technical hemp stalks slicing quality


  • Roman Andreevich Popov FSBSI «Federal Research Center of Fibre Crops»
  • Igor Lvovich Abramov FSBSI «Federal Research Center of Fibre Crops»
  • Sergey Andreevich Tretyakov Tver State University



technical hemp, cutting stems, optical profilometry, profilometer, surface microrelief, parameters


The article presents the results of in-depth scientific research, including cutting of technical hemp stems with a blade of various shapes and interference of the cut surface by non-contact optical profilometry. Three-dimensional images and characteristic profilograms of the cut surfaces of stems depending on the shape of the cutting edge are obtained. The parameters of the microgeometry of the cut surface and the optimal profile of the cutting edge are determined.


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SPIP – Analytical Software for Microscopy. Режим доступа: http:// (дата обращения 25.11.2022).




