Theoretical aspects of labor safety of greenhouse workers and modern ways of its solution


  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Arina Vasilievna Shkrabak Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University



greenhouses, labor safety, theoretical aspects, solutions, safety innovations


The article provides information about the need for further development of greenhouse facilities in the agro-industrial complex for year-round provision of the population with fruit products, which cannot be solved by using only the production of products in the open field due to the climatic features of the country's territory. It is noted that greenhouse production, for various reasons of an objective and subjective nature, is accompanied by industrial injuries, poisoning of workers and industrial diseases, since production conditions are focused on the needs of plants. In this regard, the components of the “man-object-plants-technologies-mechanisms” system were studied and functional theoretical dependencies were proposed, which are a guideline for substantiating innovative methods and means of preventive solutions that counteract the possibility of injury, poisoning and occupational diseases. The article lists the author's modern solutions aimed at achieving the possibilities of some work without injuries, which ensures the appropriate working conditions for these objects by the requirements of the country's regulatory framework.


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