Methods and means for managing moisture supply regimes during original potato seed growing in the context of global climate change


  • Andrey Borisovich Kalinin Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Igor Zinovievich Teplinsky Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Pavel Mikhailovich Shpiganovich Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University



climate change, seed potatoes, tillage, moisture supply, inter row cultivator-subsoiler


Obtaining high-quality seed material in soil-climatic zones favorable for the production of original and elite potato seed production requires placing production on clean phytosanitary territories in the high-mountainous, North-Western and Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, where there is a minimum number of carriers of potato diseases, moderate temperatures, and a sufficient level of moisture supply to plants. The statistics of weather observations show a steady increase in average air temperatures, as well as an increase in the amount of average annual precipitation with uneven precipitation. In intensive technologies used for the production of potato seeds, there is a significant over compaction of the surface and subsurface horizons of the soil, which leads to a deterioration in the moisture supply regime for plants, which significantly affects the yield and quality of seed material. The solution of this problem requires the improvement of technological methods and technical means used during potato seed production.


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