Cultivation of peanuts in an arid zone in the Astrakhan region


  • Lyudmila Vyacheskavovna Bogosoryanskaya FGBNU "Pre-Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences"



peanuts, yields, bean mass, huskiness, seed yield, oil content


The article is devoted to the study of peanut varieties adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the Northern Caspian Sea. According to the results of the work carried out, good indicators were obtained for some samples of this crop. The Otradokubansky variety, taken as a standard, showed a yield of 3.7 t/ha. Some samples from VNIIMK approached the yield standard. The VNIIMK variety sample No. 173 according to the VIR catalog showed a yield of 3.5 t/ha, the VNIIMK variety sample No. 1143 – 3.3 t/ha. In terms of protein and fat content, samples 2064 (China), 2047 (Russia), 720 (Israel) were distinguished. The highest protein content was distinguished by sample 747 (Romania) – 20.44%. The sowing of peanuts was carried out annually in mid-May, when the earth warmed up to 25 °C on average over the years of study. Depending on the sample and its origin, as well as weather conditions, the ripening period of peanuts from planting to harvesting was 120-160 days. Sunny, hot weather is suitable for peanuts. Studies have shown that the natural and climatic conditions of the Astrakhan region are favorable for the cultivation of this crop.


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