To the method for calculation of an electromagnetic vibrator


  • Vladimir Valerievich Pugachev Orenburg State Agrarian University
  • Viktor Gavrilovich Petko Orenburg State Agrarian University
  • Ilmira Agzamovna Rakhimzhanova Orenburg State Agrarian University
  • Maksim Borisovich Fomin Orenburg State Agrarian University
  • Vladislav Viktorovich Samosyuk Orenburg State Agrarian University



magnetic circuit, air gap, induction, force, acceleration, differential equation


The paper considers the issues of calculating an electromagnetic vibrator designed to drive working bodies with reciprocating motion. The purpose of this work is to refine the mathematical model of electromagnetic vibrators and, on this basis, to propose the most rational parameters of their design and modes of use. Based on the initial parameters of the magnetic system of an alternating current electromagnet, the inductance and inductive resistance of the electromagnet winding are determined as a function of the air gap, as well as the current flowing through the winding under the action of the applied voltage and the magnetic flux excited by it. As a result, the force of attraction of the armature and the yoke of the electromagnet was determined, which is the perturbing force, the restoring force of the spring opposing it, and the resistance force of the medium, which is proportional to the speed of the armature. This made it possible to form a second-order differential equation, the solution of which was carried out using the Given-Odesolve computing unit of the Mathcad mathematical system. As a result, the dependence of the armature deviation from the neutral state on time and the influence on this dependence of both geometric and electrical, and operating parameters of the electromagnetic vibrator were obtained in graphical form. As a result, the analysis carried out in the work and the developed method for determining the output parameters of an electromagnetic vibrator allow, for specific initial geometric and physical parameters of the vibrator, to determine the shockless trajectory of the electromagnet armature, the frequency and range of oscillations, as well as the optimal frequency and supply voltage of the electromagnet coil. If necessary, make adjustments to the requirements specified by the technological object for the output parameters of the vibrator.


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