Study of the influence of the angle of inclination on the thermal resistance of glass light structures of agricultural buildings


  • Andrey Konstantinovich Aksenov Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
  • Ivan Konstantinovich Kotskiy Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



tilted double glazing, glazing of agricultural buildings, thermal resistance, glass light structures, heat loss through external fences


The paper presents the results of studies of the influence of the angle of inclination on the thermal resistance of glass light structures of agricultural buildings. For experimental studies, a special refrigerating chamber was used, in which one of the walls is made in the form of a double-glazed window. The camera tilted towards the light structure. With the help of heat meters installed on the surface of the glass, the value of the heat flux was measured. Both single-chamber and double-glazed windows were tested. Based on the experimental data obtained, a calculated dependence is proposed for determining heat losses through external inclined light fences, including double-glazed windows.


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