The influence of plasma-treated water on the germination of agricultural seeds


  • Anatoly Vasilievich Gryazkin St. Petersburg State Forestry University named after S.M. Kirov
  • Olga Ivanovna Gavrilova Petrozavodsk State University
  • Kirill Valerievich Gostev Petrozavodsk State University



pre-sowing treatment of seeds, agricultural crops, plasma-treated water, germination and germination of seeds


The article deals with the issues of accelerated seed germination by using the method of seed preparation by soaking in plasma-activated water. With different methods of stimulating the germination of the seed embryo, the effect of "cold" plasma on it is considered the most promising. Plasma-treated water (OPV) was obtained using a specially designed apparatus for influencing water with a high frequency and power current. The water treatment time was 2 and 4 minutes. First, the plasma-activated water had different acidity indicators from ordinary water. The recovery of the OPV acidity level was from 2 to 4 days. Seeds large and small (less than 5 mm) reacted differently to soaking in water treated in low-temperature plasma. For crops with seeds less than 5 mm long, water treated for 2 minutes in a 50% concentration can be offered for soaking. Some fungicidal effect of water treated with plasma was revealed. The seeds soaked in water treated for 4 minutes were least damaged by mold fungi. The most severe damage by fungi was caused by wheat and quinoa seeds.


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