Optimization of the design and operating parameters of the dispenser


  • Ulduz Ynis Safarova Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
  • Shafiga Dzhaknangir Jafarova Azerbaijan State Agrarian University
  • Gyunel Rafail Khalilova Azerbaijan State Agrarian University




agriculture, animal husbandry, optimization, design, dispenser


Currently, the agrarian policy in our republic is aimed at intensifying the production of meat, milk, eggs and wool. Nevertheless, feed production in the republic is still unsatisfactory both in terms of total volume and quality. In Azer­baijan, in comparison with the Baltic’s countries, taking into account the number of animals, the consumption of feed units in animal husbandry is 4.3 times less. In particular, the production of concentrated compound feeds, which compensates for the lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins in other feeds, is quite low. In this regard, the solution of the tasks facing us is possible by creating a multicomponent, full-fledged concentrated compound feed for local conditions and a dispenser-mixer - a simple design capable of implementing this, in other words, by technological and constructive improve­ment of the production line. Taking into account the relevance of the issue and its scientific and practical significance, this research work is aimed at improving the technology of enterprises producing full-fledged concentrated compound feeds.м


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