Integrative therapy of postpartum endometritis in first-calf heifers in the conditions of a biogeochemical province


  • Alexander Mikhailovich Gertman South Ural State Agrarian University
  • Dina Mratovna Maksimovich South Ural State Agrarian University



first-calf heifers, endometritis, biogeochemical provinces, toxic elements, detoxification therapy


The research was carried out at the Sarafanovo farm, in Chebarkul district, Chelyabinsk region. We established that postpartum endometritis in first-calf heifers is widespread in biogeochemical provinces that contain an excess of nickel and iron. This pathology demonstrates distinct violations of organism’s functional state, accompanied by changes of blood values, a decrease in nonspecific defenses and an increase in peroxidation processes. The on-farm treatment routine makes a certain therapeutic effect, but does not fully ensure the restoration of the body systems, especially the regulation of mineral metabolism. It has been shown that the additional inclusion of Phosprenyl, Gabivit-Sе and Vitartil, which stimulate organism’s defenses, into the on-farm treatment routine contributes to faster restoration of metabolic processes and leads to recovery of animals. Normalization of indicators of nonspecific defenses was detected both on the 7th and 14th days of treatment. An integrated treatment approach due to introducing of the studied medications into the traditional routine helps to reduce the time of treatment of endometritis in first-calf heifers (by 3-4 days), and their milk production increases. The daily milk yield in the experimental group of cows was 18,6±0,29 kg, in the control group – 15,3±0,33. Therefore, the Phosprenyl, Gabivit-Sе and Vitartil should be included in the basic routine of on-farm treatment of endometritis.     


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Zootechnics and veterinary