Influence of plant growth regulators on the main morphological parameters of Paeonia


  • Antonina Anatolievna Reut South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences



Paeonia, plant growth regulators, growth and development, decorative qualities, Bashkir Ural


The article reflects the results of studying the effectiveness of the action of the specialized preparations «Lignohumate» and «Trener» on the growth, development and decorative qualities of some representatives of the Paeonia L. genus complex in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Bashkir Cis-Ural. For the first time in the conditions of the Southern Ural, the influence of new growth stimulants on the decorativeness of some varieties of Paeonia lactiflora from the collection of the SUBGI UFRC RAS was studied. It is shown that under the influence of the studied preparations there was an increase in the number of shoots and flowers on one peduncle, as well as a change in the diameter and height of the flower. It was noted that the use of growth regulators significantly affected the following decorative features: the size of the flower, the abundance of flowering and the number of buds on the peduncle. Among the economic and biological parameters, a large difference between the control and the experiment was noted for the traits: productivity and duration of flowering, reproductive ability and resistance to diseases and pests. Thus, the studied plant growth regulators can be recommended for use in floriculture, as they increase the decorative effect of cultivars.


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