Dehumidification efficiency in the conditions of climate change in the Novgorod region


  • Olga Vasilievna Balun Novgorod Research Institute of Agriculture – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences"
  • Elena Petrovna Shkodina Novgorod Research Institute of Agriculture – Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences"



climatic norm, closed drainage, open drainage, runoff hollow, moisture reserve


Agricultural production is closely related to natural and climatic factors, of which meteorological factors are the most variable and active. The analysis of climatic precipitation and temperature norms according to the data of 4 meteorological stations of the Novgorod region for the period 1891-2020 showed their steady increase, except for the Novgorod meteorological station, where the annual precipitation rate by 2020 decreased against the background of temperature growth. Analysis of the results of meteorological observations over the past 60 years has shown that there is a steady trend in the Novgorod region to increase the degree of humidification: the hydrothermal coefficient has increased from 1.36 to 1.46. This happened due to the excess of the increase in precipitation over the increase in temperature, so agricultural production of crop production is impossible without reclamation measures. The aim of the research was to gain new knowledge in the formation of soil moisture regimes under the influence of drainage reclamation in the conditions of climate change. In the Non-Chernozem zone, two main methods of drainage are common - a network of open channels and closed drains. Studies on the formation of soil moisture regimes were carried out during 2019-2021 on experimental production sites of closed and open drainage on 8 variants of structures. The conducted studies of the efficiency of the drainage systems of closed and open drainage allowed us to conclude that closed drainage systems better provide the water-air regime of the soil compared to open drainage: the period of soil being in a waterlogged state is 2 times shorter (50 days on open drainage structures and 25 days on closed drainage structures).The most optimal water-air regime of the soil among the options with closed drainage was provided by drainage systems with filling the drainage trench with wood chips, on which the range of moisture changes in the root-inhabited soil layer during 3 years of observation was closest to optimal and amounted to 210-114 mm. Among the options for open drainage are systems of runoff hollows in combination with cultivation strips.


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