Production potential of new varieties of plums in the ecological conditions of the south of Russia


  • Rimma Shamsudinovna Zaremuk FGBNU «North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking»
  • Alexander Anatolievich Kochubey FGBNU «North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking»



variety, plum, selection, source, introduction, yield, productivity


The introduction of new varieties of fruit crops remains an important direction in improving the assortment and is associated with their study in new soil and climatic conditions. The article presents the results of a variety study of new introduced varieties of plum (Prunus domestica L.) – Big Stanley, Blue Moon, August Delight and Chinese plum (Prunus salicina L.) – Dark Sunlight and Crimson Glo in conditions of southern gardening. The aim of the research was a comprehensive assessment of the introduced varieties of common plum and Chinese plum, the selection of varieties - sources of valuable traits for breeding use and renewal of a group of promising industrial varieties. It has been established that, according to the ripening time, the introduced plum varieties August Delight, Blue Moon belong to the group of medium-late ones, Big Stanley, Crimson Glo, Dark Sunlight - to the group of late ones. The duration of the fruit ripening period of the studied varieties is 137-152 days, depending on the characteristics of the variety. It was revealed that the trees of the Dark Sunlight variety are characterized by a restrained growth force, not exceeding 2.5 m. More active growth (3.0-3.5 m) was noted in the trees of the Big Stanley, Blue Moon, August Delight and Crimson Glo varieties. On the basis of "fruit weight", the studied varieties belong to the group of large-fruited. Chinese plum varieties Crimson Glo (71.5 g) and Dark Sunlight (79.0 g) are classified as very large-fruited, domestic plum varieties August Delight (44.6 g) and Big Stanley (48.0 g) are classified as large-fruited. It is confirmed that in the conditions of the southern region, new varieties of Chinese and domestic plums are productive. Higher yields were formed in Chinese plum varieties Dark Sunlight (36.4 t/ha) and Crimson Glo (34.6 t/ha), domestic plum Big Stanley (32.4 t/ha) and August Delight (29.0 t/ha), it was lower in the Blue Moon variety (24.7 t/ha). The introduced varieties Big Stanley, Blue Moon, Dark Sunlight have high taste qualities of fruits, confirmed by the sugar-acid index – 14.1-14.9. New introduced varieties Crimson Glo, Dark Sunlight, Blue Moon and Big Stanley, recommended for creating modern plum plantations and breeding for individual traits, have been identified based on a set of economically valuable traits.


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