Early fertility and technological characteristics of seedless varieties of berries grapes at the initial stage of fruiting


  • Elena Vladimirovna Polukhina Pre-Caspian Agrarian Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences




grapes, seedless varieties, early fruitfulness, elements of productivity


The article shows the results of studying the early fruitfulness of young plantings of seedless grape varieties: their compliance with the weather conditions of vegetation; groups of early fruitfulness with indicators of the mechanical composition of bunches and tasting evaluation of berries are identified. The research was carried out on the territory of the vineyard of the Pre-Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located in the Chernoyarsk district of the Astrakhan region. The aim of the research was to assess the potential of fruitfulness and quality of seedless grape varieties to identify the most promising, adapted to the conditions of the North-Western Caspian Sea. The object of research was a collection of seedless grape varieties of domestic and foreign selection. The Kishmish Radiant variety, zoned in the Lower Volga region, was adopted as the standard. According to the research results, it was found that the Veles variety entered fruiting earlier than the rest of the studied varieties, the harvest of which was formed in the second year after planting. In the third year of the growing season, seven more varieties entered fruiting (41% of all studied varieties): Azak, Attica, Aphrodite, Iskander, Lucia, Rose, Jupiter. The maximum structural indicators were characterized by the varieties: Azak, Attica, Aphrodite, Lucia and Jupiter with values from 27.5 to 41.0. The varieties Azak, Attica, Aphrodite and Jupiter had the minimum percentage of crests in clusters (from 2.4 to 3.7%). The optimal berry index (33.7...57.8) was noted in the varieties Azak, Attica, Aphrodite, Veles, Iskander, Lucia, Jupiter. According to the results of the tasting evaluation, the varieties Attica, Veles and Iskander stood out, the number of points of which was 9.5; 8.5 and 9.1, respectively.


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