Development of new approaches to the preservation of soil fertility in rice agricultural landscapes


  • Igor Aleksandrovich Prikhodko Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Alexander Eduardovich Sergeev Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
  • Yana Alekseevna Komsyukova Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin



soil fertility, rice fields, humus, ammonia nitrogen, phosphates, environmental technologies


To a large extent, the suitability of soil for cultivation of agricultural crops is determined by the amount of humus content. The constant exploitation of agricultural lands leads to their degradation, namely, to a decrease in the agro-resource potential of lands, deterioration of the agrophysical and agrochemical properties of soils, as well as to significant losses of soil organic matter, in particular, humus and no less important other nutrients. As a result of the studies performed, the reliability of which is confirmed by the methods of field experience according to B.A. Dospekhov, it is proved that the proposed environmentally friendly rice cultivation technology does not reduce soil fertility, while with traditional technologies, the annual decrease in humus is 1.0-1.5%. It has been established that maintaining the moisture content of the root-inhabited soil layer at the level of 60-70% of the moisture content creates optimal conditions that make it possible to directly influence the processes of ammonification and nitrogen fixation. Effective control of the moisture level in the layer up to 10 cm allows to accumulate in it 50-75% more ammonia nitrogen and 25% phosphorus than with the basic technology and 15-25% and 46%, respectively, with the herbicide-free technology. The obtained correlations prove the relevance of our research on the introduction of a combined environmentally friendly rice cultivation technology, which makes it possible to maintain redox reactions in the soil within the required range by controlling the moisture content of the root layer of the soil. The use of the proposed method of rice cultivation will allow workers in the rice-growing sector of Russia not only to maintain, but also to improve the ameliorative state of the soil, which will ensure guaranteed high yields of rice.


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