Soybean productivity depending on varietal characteristics, plant nutrition and application of herbicides


  • Natalia Viktorovna Nikolaichenko Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Nikolay Ivanovich Strizhkov Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region
  • Anatoly Fedorovich Druzhkin Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Zakiulla Mtyullovich Azizov Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region
  • Sergey Nikolaevich Strizhkov Federal Agricultural Research Center for South-East Region



soybean, productivity, variety, diet, herbicides


In the unfavorable climatic and soil conditions of the Lower Volga region and the Saratov region, the characteristics of the growth and development of soybean (Glicine hispida Maxim) were studied. The most important factor determining the rate of growth and development of plants in an arid region is soil moisture during the sowing period and throughout the growing season. The duration of the sowing-emergence period was most influenced by soil moisture and temperature. The comparative productivity of soybean varieties of different ripeness groups (early ripening - Soer-4, Soer-5, mid-early - Natali and Zernogradskaya-2) was considered depending on weather conditions, varietal characteristics, diet and herbicide use. It has been shown that agrotechnical techniques for caring for plants must be started early. These primarily include weed control and the creation of an optimal soybean nutrition regime. The best way to control weeds turned out to be the application of a combination of herbicides Begin Turbo (for cultivation) and Pivot (during the growing season), which reduced the infestation of crops by 6.7 times and increased the yield by 18.3–32.1% compared to the control. The application of small doses of fertilizers (N30P60) had a positive effect on the development of soybean plants. In our studies, in the most moisture-rich year of 2020, the mid-early variety Natali had the maximum seed yield - 1.15 t/ha when N30P60 was applied. On average over 3 years, the Natali variety also gave the highest yield - 0.95 t/ha. In the early ripening varieties Soer-4 and Soer-5, the seed yield was 0.17–0.12 t/ha lower compared to the mid-early variety Natali.


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