Removable tracked undercarriage system for driving axle of agricultural tractor traction class 0,9


  • Otary Nazirovich Didmanidze Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Roman Sergeevich Fedotkin Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Vitaliy Alekseevich Kryuchkov Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
  • Nikita Ivanovich Degtyarev Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy



agricultural tractor, driving axle, removable tracked undercarriage system, mover, rubber reinforced track, raction and coupling properties, soil compaction


The problems of increasing traction and coupling properties and reducing soil compaction of tractors, its incomplete annual load and the shortage in the domestic tractor fleet are noted in the article. The possibility of solving problems by installing removable tracked undercarriage systems instead of wheels is indicated. The experience of creating and using undercarriage systems for various vehicles was analyzed, including the experience of researchers from Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, etc. The experimental structure of caterpillar modules for the rear axle of the Belarus-622 tractor is presented. The possibility of adjusting the area of tracks contact surface is provided. A decrease in pressure on the soil to 60-65 kilopascals and up to 40-50 kilopascals was obtained due to the installation of caterpillar modules, respectively, on the rear or both axles of the tractor. It is proved that the developed modules provide increasing in traction and coupling properties and decreasing in the soil compacting effect of the tractor. The expediency of developing caterpillar modules for the front axle and the prospects for their creation for traction class 1,4 tractors in order to make up for the shortage of class 2.0 tractors are substantiated. The prospects for further automation of adjusting processes of removable tracked undercarriage systems for adaptation to various soil and climatic conditions are outlined.


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