The use of nanosize preparation to optimize the potato microclonal reproduction


  • Yulia Dmitrievna Smirnova V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute
  • Elena Aleksandrovna Podolian V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute



microclonal reproduction, potatoes, seed production, nanosize preparation


The work presents the results of experiments researching the effect of silica-humic and iron preparations in nanosize form on the development of potato explants (Solanum tuberosum L.). The research has relevance because there is the need to obtain high-quality potato seed material in the Russian Federation. These preparations was tested as components of the Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) on potato plants Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Arrow in vitro. Their positive effect on the growth and development of microplants was proven. It was found out that the introduction of 5 ml/l of a silicohumiс preparation into the MS medium provided an increase in the root system length of control by 33%, the internodes number increased by 20%. The replace of iron chelate to nanoform obtained by the green synthesis method in MS increased statistically significantly the dry mass of microplants by 44%, the shoot length by 10%. At the same time, the differences in the effect of iron nanoparticles compared with iron chelate on the number of internodes were not revealed. Thus, new preparations form stronger plants in vitro, which can be used for further in obtaining potato planting material. It is especially important for the needs of agriculture, agro-industrial sector and seed production


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