Determination of physical and mechanical properties and patterns of friction processes of soil lumps and potato tubers during their destruction and separation


  • Alexey Semenovich Dorokhov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Alexey Viktorovich Sibirev Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Maxim Aleksandrovich Mosyakov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Nikolay Viktorovich Sazonov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Maria Mikhailovna Godyaeva Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM



potato, tubers, dimensional characteristics, mass characteristics, surface shape, stand, soil clod


The results of studies of determining the patterns of friction processes on the processed elastic-plastic material from the position of creating working parts of machines for its cultivation and harvesting are presented. The methodology and equipment used during research are described. A research methodology has been developed and experimental studies have been carried out to determine the patterns of friction processes on the processed elastic-plastic material and commercial products of potato tubers during the destruction of soil lumps and their separation. A stand has been developed to determine the amount of destruction of an elastic-plastic material, the design of which allows one to determine the amount of deviation of the tuber/lump of soil when interacting with the material of the separating device, thereby recording the process of adhesion of the materials under study. It has been established that the difference in the recovery coefficient by average values does not exceed 0.066 and given the technical difficulties of orienting the tuber during the impact process, this factor should be neglected when designing and calculating the separation working body, i.e. There is no need to orient the tuber before impact.


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