Growing potatoes using organomineral fertilizers based on spent mushroom compost in a Non-Chernozem zone


  • Irina Sergeevna Pityurina Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
  • Dmitry Valerievich Vinogradov Lomonosov Moscow State University



potatoes, varieties, mushroom compost, yield, productivity


The purpose of the research was to study the productivity of potato varieties in the conditions of the south of the Non-Chernozem zone with the introduction of spent mushroom compost. Potato varieties of domestic selection approved for zoning were taken for research. The field experiment was carried out at the experimental agrotechnological station of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Ryazan Region, in 2019-2021. Agrotechnical measures for growing potatoes are generally accepted in the zone. Planting of tubers annually in the first decade of May. The level of mineral nutrition in the experiment is N145P40K40 (calculated). Potato varieties were used: Pennant, Giant, Kolobok, Favorite, Ilyinsky, Zhigulevsky, Delight, Cornflower, Ivan da Marya, Lukyanovsky, Meshchera Beauty, Blue Eye. The experiment was carried out four times. Before planting, compost was introduced into the soil (according to the options) fresh mushroom in the amount of 84 t / ha and compost mushroom yearling in the amount of 95 t / ha. The studies show that, on average, for all varieties, compared with the control, the height of potato plants increased by 1.8 cm when adding one-year-old compost to the soil and by 4.2 cm against the background of fresh compost, and the number of stems against the background of fresh compost turned out to be higher compared to the control. The following varieties showed high marketability against the background of fresh compost, compared with one–year–old: Pennant - 89.6%, Nikulsky - 88.3%, Favorite – 88.0%, Ilyinsky – 86.5%. According to the results of the conducted studies, on average, for 2019-2021, it was found that the highest yield indicators were obtained when cultivating potatoes using fresh mushroom compost: the variety has a Favorite (+134% to control), Ivan da Marya (+127%) and Delight (+116%).


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