New pear variety Chusovaya and its selection importance


  • Galina Nurslamovna Tarasova Ural Federal agrarian research center UB RAS
  • Dmitriy Dmitrievich Telezhinskiy Ural Federal agrarian research center UB RAS



pear, varieties, winter hardiness, productivity, taste assessment, selection, taste donor


To the end of 2022, only 7 varieties of pears adapted for the conditions of the Middle Urals were entered in the State Register of Selection Achievements Approved for Use. Due to the harsh climate, the introduction of varieties from more southern areas is ineffective. The range of pears in the region is small, its improvement and expansion continues to be relevant and is the main goal of selection work. The new Chusovaya variety was bred and studied at the Sverdlovsk horticulture breeding station. It is a structural unit of the Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Observations in the experience of primary study were carried out in the period 2009-2022. To determine the adaptability of the Chusovaya variety in the climatic conditions of the region and its suitability for expanding the zoned variety, an assessment was made on winter resistance, yield, fruit quality. At the same time, the Chusovaya variety was used in hybridization to assess its prospects when used in selection. According to the results of many years of research, the new grade of Chusovaya pear was highly appreciated for its economic and valuable characteristics in the Middle Urals. Since 2023, the variety has been included in the State Register of Selection Achievements Approved for Use of the Russian Federation. In addition, based on the selection evaluation of hybrid seedlings obtained with the participation of the new variety, it was found out that it can be used in selection as a donor of fruit taste.


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