Experimental studies of the influence of ultrasonic treatment of wood on the consumption of paint materials and the performance properties of paint coatings


  • Viktoriia Aleksandrovna Sokolova St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Higher School of Technology and Energy
  • Yury Ivanovich Belenky St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Higher School of Technology and Energy
  • Sergey Vladimirovich Ganin St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Higher School of Technology and Energy




finishing, protective and decorative coatings, wood, ultrasound, film formation


The article discusses the issue of using ultrasonic technologies in the process of finishing wood with protective and decorative materials. An analysis of the physical and chemical interaction between the paint and varnish material and the substrate was carried out. It has been proven that the optimal consumption of paints and varnishes, which is influenced by environmental conditions, is of great importance for achieving a high-quality and durable coating. The issue of using ultrasound in technological processes has been studied. The advantages of using ultrasonic technologies are revealed, which lead to increased productivity, reduced time and energy costs, improved product quality and the achievement of other significant results. The article presents the results of experimental studies of the influence of macrostructure and ultrasound on the consumption of paints and varnishes and the performance properties of paints and varnishes. The results were analyzed and photographs of the results were presented. It is concluded that ultrasonic treatment affects the quality and physical and mechanical properties of wood and coatings. The results of a study of the influence of ultrasonic treatment on the performance properties of protective and decorative wood coating are presented. It has been proven that ultrasonic treatment of wood has a positive effect on the quality of protective and decorative coating. It is concluded that the use of ultrasonic treatment can be an effective way to improve the quality of coatings and the performance properties of pine and aspen wood products.


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