Application of “Doramectin AVZ” in the treatment of sheep with nematodes and oestrosis


  • Vladimir Ivanovich Kolesnikov North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center
  • Ekaterina Sergeevna Engasheva Federal Scientific Centre “All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin and Y.R. Kovalenko RAS”
  • Vitaliy Ivanovich Chetvertnov North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center



sheep, nematodes, grubs, “Doramectin AVZ”, effectiveness


Among diseases of farm animals, veterinary specialists pay the greatest attention to parasitoses, including nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract and oestrosis, which cause great economic damage to sheep farming. The purpose of research was to study the effectiveness of the medication “Doramectin AVZ” when treating intestinal nematodes and oestrosis in sheep. The work was carried out on farms in the village Turksad of Levokumsky District and stanitsa Filimonovskaya of Izobilnensky District in the Stavropol Territory, where in the first experiment, based on the results of scatoscopy, 70 lambs with a body weight of 20-25 kg were selected. They were intensively infected with nematodes of the gastrointestinal tract (Ostertagia, Nematodirus, Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, Chabertia, Bunostomum, Oesophagostomum), and divided into an experimental (50 heads) and control (20 heads) groups. In the second experiment on the same farm, based on the results of clinical studies, 20 lambs, which were infected with the larvae of Oestrus ovis, were selected. They were divided into experimental (15 heads) and control (5 heads) groups. The lambs of the experimental groups were administered the medication  "Doramectin AVZ" at a dose of 1 ml/50 kg of animal body weight once, subcutaneously in the neck area. Based on the results of scatological studies in two commercial experiments, it was established that the intensive efficiency of the medication  “Doramectin AVZ” at a dose of 1 ml/50 kg of animal body weight, which was applied once, was 90.5 – 93.7% with an extensive efficiency of 90% against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep. According to the results of clinical studies and autopsies of the nasal cavities of sheep, no Oestrus ovis larvae were found out, which indicated that the medication “Doramectin AVZ” was 100% effective for treating oestrosis in sheep.


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Zootechnics and veterinary