Analysis of molecular bonds by the spectrum of nitrogen atoms in order to optimize the synthesis of mineral fertilizers


  • Valery Pavlovich Gusev Limited Liability Company “ALAN”
  • Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Pavel Sergeyevich Orlov Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



excitation energy, self-energy of an atom, discrete change in the charge of the nucleus, memory of the optical spectrum of the atom, composite lattice designs in molecular nitrogen


The model of the structure of the crystal cubic lattice proposed by the authors takes into account the presence of short and long diagonal bonds passing along the faces and through the center of the elementary cube. The mechanism of energy distribution between two and three valence electrons of the N atom in the ground and excited states is described. It is shown that the optical spectrum of the N atom is mirrored on the set of energies of the 2p2 term, called the spectral memory of the nitrogen atom by the authors. The mechanism of “trigger of excitation” of N atoms is described for the first time. The optical spectrum of N atoms determines the energies of the FCC ? HCP phase transitions; solid ? liquid phase of the hcp; boiling and melting points. The error in calculating the temperatures of phase transitions is ± 3.3%, and the density at the boiling and melting points is not more than 1%.


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Author Biographies

Valery Pavlovich Gusev, Limited Liability Company “ALAN”

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Doctor of Technical  Sciences, Professor

Pavel Sergeyevich Orlov, Yaroslavl State Agricultural Academy

Doctor of Technical  Sciences, Professor

Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Candidate of Technical Sciences,  Associate  Professor


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