Improving safety of mechanization devices with cardan drives


  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University



means of mechanization, operational safety, injuries, cardan shafts, locks


Brief information is given on the need for dynamic development of agricultural production on the basis of solving a number of social problems related to the so-called "optimization" measures in terms of the vital activities of the basis of agricultural production - villages and villages, and rural workers. The possibility of further increasing the level of mechanization and automation of agricultural production and its safety on the basis of innovative solutions of a preventive nature is noted. In relation to the level of safety of mechanization devices, a new scheme is given for protecting employees from injury with cardan shafts by automatically stopping their rotation in the event of no protective locks.


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Author Biography

Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak, St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Candidate of Technical Sciences


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