Influence of agroecological conditions on the productivity of zone landscapes of the Saratov region


  • Mikhail Yuriyevich Nesvetaev Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region
  • Denis Ivanovich Gubarev Agricultural Research Institute for South-East Region
  • Irina Igorevna Demakina Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Vladimir Alexandrovich Tarbaev Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Konstantin Evgenievich Denisov Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



agrochemistry, agroecology, GIS, slope steepness, landscapes, productivity, tracts, slope exposure


The article reveals the features of the watershed and slope natural boundaries of the northern, typical and arid steppe. For the soils of test sites   No. 5 (Saratov) and No. 9 (Krasny Kut), a higher content of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium was revealed on the northern slopes, in contrast to the southern slopes. The soils of the northern slopes of test sites No. 1 (Arkadak) is less supplied with macronutrients than soils of southern expositions. Plakor soils on test sites No. 1, No. 5 are better than slope tracts provided with K2O, but worse than P2O5. Soil productivity of watershed types of tracts of test sites No. 1, No. 5 are above the slopes. Northern slopes of test sites No. 1 are less productive than the southern ones. On test sites No. 5, on the contrary, the northern slopes are more productive than the southern ones. On test sites No. 9 southern slopes are more productive than watersheds and northern slopes.  The dependence of the SCC in the phase of tube-heading and the future harvest was revealed. An increase in the hydrothermal index from 0.3 to 0.45 in this phase of wheat development under conditions of the test sites No. 5 gave a 2-fold increase in yield. The quality of spring soft wheat grown on the slopes of the southern exposure is higher than on the watersheds and slopes of the northern exposure for all objects of study.


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