Analysis of the spread of oncological diseases of domestic unproductive animals in the administrative districts of the city of Volgograd


  • Vitaly Ivanovich Gorinsky Center for Animal Beauty and Health "Zoostyle"
  • Vladimir Vasilievich Salautin Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pudovkin Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Svetlana Evgenievna Salautina Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



oncological diseases, spread, unproductive animals, dog, cat


The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of the spread of oncological diseases in dogs and cats, on the territory of two administrative districts of the city of Volgograd. The object of the study was 127 dogs and 117 cats, differing in gender, age and breed, who were admitted to the clinic with neoplasms of various origin and localization. The most common oncological pathologies in dogs and cats in the Traktorozavodsky and Krasnooktyabrsky districts of the city have been identified. The dogs were diagnosed with tumors of the breast - 33.8%, skin and its derivatives - 29% and the reproductive system - 11.8%. At the same time, breast neoplasms were detected in cats – 62.4%, skin - 9.4%, oral cavity - 8.5% and hematopoietic system - 8.5%.


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Zootechnics and veterinary

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