Improving the efficiency of vehicles in the agro-industrial complex by improving control and management methods


  • Tatiana Ivanovna Belova 1Bryansk State Agrarian Universit
  • Roman Vladimirovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Vladimir Stepanovich Shkrabak St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Elena Vasilievna Starchenko Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky



efficiency improvement, vehicles in the agro-industrial complex, safe distance, braking distance, collision risk, monitoring and control device


In the Russian Federation, 30 % of all road accidents (accidents) occur on non-paved roads, 90 % of which are intended for local use. In the Bryansk region, 35 % of accidents occur on non-paved roads, all of which are intended for local use, including on-farm highways (local highways located within the boundaries of a rural settlement, intended for transport services of facilities for the production, processing and marketing of agricultural and other products). The analysis of the above factors for improving the safety of drivers of agricultural vehicles (SATS) makes it possible to model various scenarios for the development of traumatic situations in conditions of agricultural production. To ensure the safety of SAT drivers, systems and means of passive, active and preventive protection are used. Passive systems and means of protection of the driver depend on the design and operational properties of the car, aimed at reducing the severity of the accident. Active systems and means of protection of the driver depend on the design and operational properties of the car, aimed at preventing and reducing the likelihood of a dangerous situation. Preventive systems and means of protection of the driver are designed to avoid a collision of cars, and if it occurred - to reduce the severity of the accident. The main ones include systems and devices based on ultrasonic radiation, designed to reduce the risk of injury to drivers by more accurately determining the length of the braking distance and preventing collisions of motor vehicles. The existing methods and devices for determining the braking distance and preventing collisions of SATS do not allow visual monitoring of signals in front (behind or next to) walking cars and an appropriate response to them in case of poor visibility or when driving a group of cars, generating control signals and issuing several recommendations to the driver at the same time, require additional installation of satellite navigation systems and a variety of integrated modules of the device, timely activation of the braking system is excluded due to the absence of an actuating mechanism for automatic activation of the braking system and a sensor for the force of pressing the brake pedal, as well as the psychophysiological characteristics of the driver of the vehicle, which reduces the responsiveness in the event of an obstacle.


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