Application of "BioPrimum dry" feed additive in feeding of cows


  • Vadim Alexandrovich Ruin National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev
  • Yuri Nikolaevich Prytkov National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev
  • Anna Aleksandrovna Kistina National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev



cows, scheme, feed, rations, feed additive, hemoglobin, erythrocytes, dynamics, Bioprimum dry, milk production, lactation


The article presents the results of studies on the use of different dosages of the feed additive "BioPrimum dry" in the diets of dairy cows. It was found out that the introduction of a feed additive in the composition of the diets of cows at a dosage of 75 mg/kg of dry matter of feed, there is an increase in the blood of erythrocytes and hemoglobin by 11.40 and 6.05%, respectively, compared with analogs of the control group and increase milk production.


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