The strength of growth and early fruitfulness of autumn apple varieties in the specific conditions of the Astrakhan region


  • Tatiana Vladimirovna Menshutina Pre-Caspian Agrarian Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Marina Gennadievna Kostenko



apple tree, variety, growth force, fertility, productivity, type of fruiting, fruit weight


Data on the study of apple varieties of the autumn ripening period according to the main economically valuable indicators are presented. The experience was laid in the Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center on the territory of an experimental orchard in 2018. The purpose of the research is to study introduced apple varieties according to the main economically valuable indicators and identify the best ones for creating intensive plantings in the semi–desert zone of the Northern Caspian. The main indicators of the evaluation of 7 apple varieties of the autumn ripening period were such indicators as survival, growth strength, fertility and fruiting. As a result of the study, it was found that there was no damage to trees in winter. The survival rate of the varieties was good and amounted to 63.6...100.0 %. A more compact crown was formed in Cherry, Lambourne and Uman winter varieties (0.2...0.8 m2). The most rapid-fruiting varieties are Lambourne and Galacube, which had a harvest in the third year of the growing season. The yield of varieties reached 0.1...1.8 kg/d. The largest fruits were in the Stark Red Gold variety (164.0 g), which exceeded the Cherry control by 0.6% (163.0 g). Complex resistance to scab, brown spotting and rust was distinguished by the Talida variety.


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