Immunogenetic monitoring in the breeding of cow families of the breed of Sychevka cattle


  • Mikhail Eliseevich Gontov Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops
  • Dmitry Nikolaevich Koltsov Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops
  • Valentina Ivanovna Dmitrieva Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops



cattle, family, inheritance, genetic marker


In the breeding of cattle with pure-breeding, an important role is given to working with brood families. At the same time, purebreeder try to preserve and propagate valuable genes of outstanding dairy cows in subsequent generations through daughters and sons. The main purpose of the research was to study the genetic features of the best uterine families of the breed of Sychevka using the EAB locus alleles of blood groups as genetic markers. And also, it determines the acceptability of immunogenetic monitoring for objective control over the transmission and preservation of valuable genes of the progenitors of the families. In the period from 1983 to 2021 the research in the pedigree farms of the Smolensk region was carried out. Blood groups using reagents of the Smolensk Research Institute were determined. Families on the basis of pedigrees were systematized. We used databases of pedigree farms of analyze milk productivity. As a result of the research, marker genes characterizing 12 leading families of the breed were established. The largest number of animals with markers G2Y2E/1Q/, Y1A/1, E/3G/G//.Immunogenetic monitoring allowed us to preserve valuable genes of the foundation animal of the Fialka 40 cow family, marked with the EAB allele Y1A/1 for 8 generations of female and male offspring. The expediency of using genetic markers in breeding by families has been established. It’ll allow preserving the valuable hereditary qualities of outstanding animals and optimizing the breeding process in the breed of Sychevka breed.


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