Investigation of aerodynamics in combustion of vegetative waste on isothermal models


  • Mikhail Gennadievich Zagoruiko Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Sergei Anatolievich Pavlov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM
  • Igor Andreevich Bashmakov Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM



drying, vegetable waste, aerodynamics, furnace, vortex modes


Modern agricultural vehicles contain a large number of components, which include micro Abstract. Conventional furnaces using alternative fuels, such as vegetable waste (VW), are widely used instead of furnaces operating on conventional fuels. The furnaces aggregated with dryers of SZT and SP type are widely used in agriculture and food industry. Two models with a suspended bed were investigated: with flare-vortex and cyclone-vortex modes. The first model assumes the presence of an inclined grate in a rectangular chamber with a concentrated supply of secondary blast, primary blast with material is supplied above the grate in its lower part, and the second model assumes a cylindrical-shaped chamber with primary air inlet in the center and cyclonic secondary blast inlet at a certain height. This scheme is close to the first, only in the lower part of the model concentrated input of primary blast with material. The methodology of aerodynamics studies included: feeding of material from the hopper; material cutoff after steady-state mode; collection and weighing of fallen particles from the model; determination of the time of material presence in the model by labeled particles. Modeling of aerodynamics for different schemes of furnace process organization showed the possibility of creating two-span or single-span furnace blocks depending on the required operating mode. The results of comparative studies of aerodynamics of flare-vortex and cyclone-vortex modes are given. The results of comparative studies of aerodynamics of flare-vortex and cyclone-vortex modes are given. Optimal blowing parameters, secondary and primary air ratio, furnace design parameters contributing to the maximum specific volume heat stress are determined.


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