Influence of foliar treatment with microfertilizers on the productivity of white mustard in forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region


  • Tatyana Yakovlevna Prakhova Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops
  • Nurmarat Ravilevich Taishev Penza State Agrarian University



white mustard, foliar treatment, microfertilizers, productivity, oil content, weight of 1000 seeds, fatty acid composition


The article presents the results of studying the effect of foliar treatments with microfertilizers on the productivity of white mustard in the conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. The object of research was two zoned varieties Lutsiya and Raduga. The experiment was carried out in 2020-2022 on the fields of the Penza Research Institute of Agriculture, which consisted in the foliar application of microfertilizers on mustard crops. Meteorological conditions during the years of research differed in contrast. The hydrothermal coefficient varied from 0.72 to 1.40. The results of field experiments confirm the varietal response of white mustard to the use of microelement fertilizers. The most effective microfertilizers for the Lutsiya variety are Izagri Vita and Agroverm. Their use made it possible to obtain the highest seed yield of 1.61 and 1.63 t/ha and a significant increase relative to the control variant by 0.15-0.17 t/ha. Variety Raduga formed the highest seed yield (1.61 t/ha) with foliar treatment of crops with Agroverm and BlackJack. In addition, the use of the BlackJack preparation contributed to obtaining the largest amount of oil in the seeds of both varieties - 29.72% (Lutsiya variety) and 29.31% (Raduga variety). The maximum protein content in mustard seeds, 36.59 and 37.17%, was noted in the variant with Humate + 7 treatment, which exceeded the control by 1.40 and 1.23%. On the variants treated with Megamix and Humate +7, the largest seeds were formed, the weight of 1000 of which was 6.50 (Lutsiya) and 6.54 g (Raduga). In addition, foliar feeding of mustard with microfertilizers also influenced the fatty acid composition of oilseeds. The use of Cytovit reduces the concentration of oleic acid to 33.9% and increases the content of erucic acid to 30.1% in the Lutsiya variety. In the Raduga variety, the use of Izagri Vita and Gumat + 7 contributed to an increase in erucic acid by 1.0-1.1%, the use of BlackJack increases the content of oleic acid to 60.2%. Treatment of plants with Agroverm leads to a decrease in the amount of linoleic acid to 8.7 and 9.9%, depending on the variety.


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