The influence of black fallow preparation methods on agrophysical properties, soil mois-ture and yield of winter wheat in the Lower Volga region


  • Anatoly Petrovich Solodovnikov Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Maksimchuk Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov



black fallow, humidity of a meter layer, water permeability, soil density, winter wheat yield


The article provides two years of data on the influence of black fallow preparation methods on agrophysical properties and moisture of the soil. In spring, a non-moldboard system for the preparation of black fallow during its development soil density increases by 5.9% and water permeability reduces by 22%, in fall, during the sowing of winter wheat, it increases by 2.8 % and reduces by 24%, respectively. The use of the herbicide in black fallow with a decrease in the number of cultivations increases the density by 0.02 g/cm3 and reduces water permeability by 5.3 mm/h. In fall, during the sowing of winter wheat, the best moisture retention was after classical plowing, which exceeded the non-moldboard cultivation by 0.57% of the soil mass. Integrated weed control measures additionally retained 0.25% (35 m3/ha) of moisture compared to agricultural practices. Integrated measures to control weeds in black fallow increase the yield of winter wheat by 0.06 t/ha for non-moldboard cultivation and by 0.11 t/ha for moldboard cultivation.


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