Creation of a universal tool for reclamation cultivation of plains and slopes based on conceptual design


  • Valeriy Pavlovich Maksimov Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A. K. Kortunov of the Don State Agricultural University
  • Andrey Andreyevich Mikhaylin Novocherkassk Engineering and Reclamation Institute named after A. K. Kortunov of the Don State Agricultural University



conceptual design, universal modeling language, object-oriented analysis, reclamation cultivation, plains and slope soil, subsoiler


The particular set of conceptual design methods proposed in this paper is, in fact, a functional and structural analysis, which includes: isolating the structure of the system from the environment, the sequence of performing a number of actions to achieve goals, etc. In some cases, the conceptual design methods conduct a systematic synthesis of the project under study. Object-oriented modeling is one of the main elements of such a methodology. The use of modern methods of analysis and synthesis of the structure of the object minimizes errors that are potentially possible during conceptual design and allows to obtain at this stage the maximum improvement of the structure of the tool, which most rationally fits the functional requirements of the technical task. Using the methodology of conceptual system design based on the universal modeling language UML, while using the integration of the necessary corresponding diagrams, we get the opportunity to create the necessary structural model of the system. The structural model is obtained as a result of combining two unary diagrams (target classes and object classes) through logical functional relationships of their entities in the form of a third (transitional) unary diagram of functional-target classes and is a hybrid object-target diagram of classes. This diagram describes the effects on the studied system of reclamation cultivation of slope and plain lands  as well as the requirements for their treatment. Emerging goals are structured by the relationship with the elements of technological equipment from the set technological tasks. The resulting structured targets are combined into a basic structure through their aggregation relations of the tool for the system of reclamation cultivation of slope and plain lands. As a result of the theoretical studies of the reclamation treatment system, a new method of slope treatment was created, protected by the RF patent, as well as a number of inventions allowing to create a universal tillage tool used in the reclamation cultivation system for slope and plain lands.


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