Ranking of Ural potato varieties applying a complex of agrobiological traits in the conditions of the Southern Urals


  • Denis Yurievich Nokhrin Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Alexander Anatolievich Vasiliev Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences




potatoes, variety, year, agrobiological indicators, principal component analysis, variance components


The article summarizes the results of experiments on the cultivation of 24 potatoes varieties of the Ural selection from 2017 to 2021. Using the principal component analysis on transformed (arcsine and Box–Cox) data 8 agrobiological indicators were analyzed (yield, productivity, number of tubers, average weight of tubers, marketability, late blight resistance, starch content, taste) and 7 principal components (PC) were identified, explaining 90% of the total variance. According to the integral indicator of productivity (PC 1; 43.1% of explaining variance), the following varieties were in the lead: Irbitskiy, Tarasov and Pamyati Kovalenko, according to starch content and taste of medium-sized tubers (PC 2, 21.3%) the leading varieties were: Zakhar, Kashtak and Amulet. Based on the results of the two-way ANOVA, the variance components were calculated, which are associated with the influence of the variety (genotype) and weather conditions (environment) as well as their combination (genotype–environment interaction) on the complex of agrobiological indicators. A strong influence of the environmental factor was observed for PC 1 and PC 3 (resistance to late blight and uniformity of tubers) – 66.9  and 56.5% respectively. The relationship between PC 1 and the hydrothermal coefficient was shown. The maximum influence of the genotype was discovered to be PC 2 – 43.0% and the genotype-environment interaction to be PC 4 (taste of large tubers) – 51.9%.


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