Assessment of the results of grape breeding with the application of biopreparations in the conditions of the Southern Urals


  • Alexander Alekseevich Mushinskiy Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FSC Gardening
  • Marina Aleksandrovna Tikhonova Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FSC Gardening
  • Evgeniya Vladimirovna Aminova Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FSC Gardening
  • Nina Anatolievna Pron’ko Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov



grapes, selection, variety, berry weight, bunch, yield, biological products


The results of long-term research on the creation of varieties and hybrid forms of early ripening grapes for the growing conditions of the Southern Urals are presented. It was shown that the created varieties and hybrid forms surpass the control in terms of yield by 17.7% (variety Aleshenkin Dar), 23.5% (hybrid form No. 37), 65.1% hybrid form 15-03-1 (Podarok Shatilova) and 111.9% (variety Pamyat Dombkovskoy). The biochemical properties of grapes were improved: the variety Pamyat Dombkovskoy exceeded the control in terms of vitamin C content by 15.42 mg / 100 g, hybrid form No. 37 - in terms of sugar content in berry juice by 19.2%. It is proved that the use of the biological product Samorod has a positive effect on the number of bunches formed on the bush, the mass of berries and the mass of the bunch, which leads to an increase in the yield of grapes: varieties Aleshenkin Dar by 54.0%, varieties Pamyat Dombkovskoy by 43.7%, hybrid form No. 37 by 66.4%, hybrid form Podarok Shatilova by 73.2%. Thanks to this, a high profitability of grape production is achieved, respectively, by varieties and hybrid forms of 92.0, 99.4, 106.0 and 159.0%, respectively.


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