Application of growth-stimulating agents in table beet cultivation on irrigated land in the Northern Caspian


  • Anastasia Nikolaevna Bondarenko Pre-Caspian Agricultural Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Oksana Vladimirovna Kostyrenko Pre-Caspian Agricultural Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Andrey Vladimirovich Tyutyuma Pre-Caspian Agricultural Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences



table beet, growth stimulants, biometric indicators, fractions, yield, dry matter, nitrates


For the first time, on the irrigated lands of the Astrakhan region, a study was conducted on the influence of foliar application of modern growth-stimulating drugs on table beets. In a scientific study conducted during 2019... 2021, a two-factor field experiment on table beet was laid down according to generally accepted methods. Biochemical indicators were determined: sugars; dry matter; nitrates. The results obtained during the study made it possible to distinguish a variant using foliar application of complex preparations Aminovit, which had a significant impact on all varieties and hybrid presented in the experiment. The lowest content of nitrates of 1015 mg/kg in root crops turned out to be in the Khutoryanka variety in the version with foliar application of Aminovit. It should also be noted that a high nitrate value of 1390 mg/kg was in the control variant of Mulatka and Bon F1 hybrid. As a result, foliar application did not lead to an excess of the MAC (1400) nitrates in the root crops of the table beet.


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