Improving the cultivation technology of corn for grain depending on the application of agrochemicals in the Lower Volga region


  • Anatoly Fedorovich Druzhkin Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Natalia Viktorovna Nikolaichenko Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov
  • Daniil Andreevich Dubrovin Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov



corn, hybrid, ROSS 199 MV, Krasnodarsky 291AMV, FAO, herbicide, mineral fertilizers, growth-stimulating preparations, phenological phases, leaf area, ; elements of productivity, grain yield


The article presents data on the effectiveness of the application  of mineral fertilizers, growth-stimulating preparations, herbicides and their combined effect on the productivity of various corn hybrids according to FAO in the Saratov Right Bank. Observations of the growth dynamics of the leaf surface of plants by development phases showed that at different stages of the growing season the leaf apparatus forms differently. The peak growth of the leaf apparatus occurs during the period of darkening of the threads of the cobs - the milky-waxy ripeness of the grain; by harvesting this indicator is greatly reduced. The largest leaf surface area on average over three years was after complex application of mineral fertilizer with growth-stimulating preparations - NPK + Agree’s Boron + Agree’s Aminovit. For the hybrid ROSS 199 MV it was 22.5 thousand m2/ha, for the hybrid Krasnodar 291AMV - 23.8 thousand m2/ha. It has been established that the most effective method is the complex application of the studied fertilizers and growth-stimulating preparations. They provide better growth and development of plants, a noticeable increase in leaf area and crop structure elements. The combined application of mineral fertilizers and growth-stimulating preparations made it possible to obtain maximum grain yield. On average, over three years of research, it was 5.59 t/ha for the hybrid ROSS 199 MV, and 6.13 t/ha for the hybrid Krasnodar 291AMV.


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