Influence of the biologically active substances on the biochemical indicators of duck blood


  • Olga Nikolaevna Polozyuk Don State Agrarian University
  • Olga Olegovna Topilina Don State Agrarian University
  • Evgeniy Sergeevich Polozyuk Don State Agrarian University



blood serum, ducklings, probiotic, calcium, phosphorus, glucose, total protein


The authors carried out a study of the biochemical parameters of the blood of ducklings and found out that the use of the probiotic "Subtilis"   throughout the experiment provides an increase in the content of calcium and phosphorus in the experimental group of ducklings by 13.1 and 16.3% compared to the control group, which positively influenced on the development of the musculoskeletal system. Herewith, the calcium-phosphorus ratio of ducklings at 55 days of age was higher  0.22% in favor of the experimental group. Also, the use of the probiotic "Subtilis"  had a positive effect on the total protein index, which was higher by 2.1 g/l in the experimental group compared to the analogs of the control group at the end of the experiment. The uric acid indicator was within the reference values, which indicates that this probiotic did not have a toxic effect on the body.


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