Dynamics of growth and biochemical parameters of the blood in hybrids got from the cross-ing of ewes of the kalmyk fat-rumped breed with rams of the dorper breed


  • Владимир Аникеевич Погодаев All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding
  • Наталья Владимировна Сергеева All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding
  • Вячеслав Вячеславович Марченко Stavropol Interregional Veterinary Laboratory




sheep, Dorper breed, live weight, blood, total protein, albumins, AST, ALT


The aim of the researches was to study the productive qualities and biochemical parameters of the blood serum in young sheep got from the crossing of the ewes of the Kalmyk fat-rumped breed with the rams of the Dorper breed. The scientific and production experience was conducted in LLC “AgrofirmaAduchi” in 2016-2017. To conduct the experience, two groups of ewes of Kalmyk fat-rumped breed were formed according to the principle of pairs of analogues, with 40 heads in each group. The first group of ewes was covered with rams of the Kalmyk fat-rumped breed, and the second group of ewes was covered with rams of the Dorper breed (experimental group). The crossed (? Kalmyk fat-rumped ? ? Dorper) youngsters surpassed their purebred herd mates of the Kalmyk fat-rumped breed in the live weight during all periods of rearing. The young animals surpassed the herd mates of the first control group by the average daily weight gain for the suckling period by 29, 25 g (P> 0.999), and for the whole period of rearing this superiority was 21, 08 g (P> 0.999). The content of total protein in the blood serum increased with age and was within the physiological norm. At 4 months of age, the lambs of the second group had in blood serum more total protein at 4.86 g / l (7.39%) (P> 0.95), and at 8 months of age they had it more at 5.16 g / l (7.74%) (P> 0.99) than in herd mates of the control group. Crossed youngsters were significantly superior to purebred animals also on the content of serum albumins, activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase.





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Author Biographies

Владимир Аникеевич Погодаев, All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Наталья Владимировна Сергеева, All-Russian Research Institute of Sheep and Goat Breeding

Post-graduate Student

Вячеслав Вячеславович Марченко, Stavropol Interregional Veterinary Laboratory

 Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Associate Professor


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