Meat productivity of bulls of the Simmental breed and crossbreeds with blood relationship (? Simmental + ? Aberdeen-Angus), (? Simmental + ? Kalmyk)


  • Anatoly Foadovich Shevkhuzhev Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center»
  • Vladimir Anikeevich Pogodaev Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «North Caucasus Federal Agricultural Research Center»



crossing, Simmental breed, Aberdeen Angus breed, Kalmyk breed, height, meat qualities, morphological composition of carcasses


The aim of the study was to establish the characteristics of the meat productivity of steers obtained from crossing Simmental cows with Aberdeen-Angus and Kalmyk bulls, depending on the cultivation technology. Scientific and economic experiments were conducted in three farms of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic: LLC firm Hammer (experience 1); SEC PZ Zarya -1 (experience 2) LLC Yugagrohim (experience 3) in 2021-2022. For the entire period of cultivation in crossbreeds (? Simmental + ? Aberdeen-Angus) in the first experiment, the average daily increase was 711 g, 8.5 energy feed units were spent on 1 kg of increase, while the increase in Simmental bulls was 655 g per day, 10.4 EQ was spent on 1 kg of increase, or 22.35% more. The crossbreeds (? Simmental + ? Kalmyk) were closer to the bulls of the Simmental breed in terms of growth and payment of feed. In the first, second and third experiments, the crossbreeds (? Simmental + ? Aberdeen-Angus) outperformed purebred simmentals by: pre-slaughter live weight by 29.7 (P>0.999), 12.1 and 13.9 (P>0.99) kg; the mass of the paired carcass by -18.5, 8.9 and 8.6 kg (P>0.99 – 0.999); internal fat weight by – 3.1 (P>0.999), 0.6 and 2.4 (P>0.99) kg; slaughter weight by – 21.6, 9.5 and 10.2 kg (P>0.99–0.999); slaughter yield by -1,07,0,66 and 0.49 abs.%; half-carcass weight by 9.1, 4,5. and 4.5 kg (P>0.99–0.999); muscle mass by -6.13 (P>0.999), 3.0 (P>0.95) and 3.74 (P>0.99) kg; adipose tissue by–3.75 (P>0.99), 1.91 and 0.58 kg, respectively.


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